What is a Coaching Couple?
Coaching Couples in the U.S. fall into many different age groups. They speak many different languages. Some of them have been married for many years and some for only a few. Some are young and some are older. Some have young families and some have grandchildren and even great grandchildren. They are a wonderful combination of personalities, gifts, and experience.
But they all have one thing in common… They love the Lord and they want to see marriages and families healed and strengthened by His Word and His power.

Coaching Couples don’t settle for good. They seek God’s very best. They know the potential of God’s marriage covenant and are determined to take that truth to couples everywhere. They don’t just teach, they live the principles they impart to others.
They don’t walk in perfection, but instead model the process of God working in their own marriage and family. Many of them have walked through their own marital challenges and so they don’t shrink back from difficult situations. They know the One who brings reconciliation and healing. They trust in Him and His power. They also know the challenge of the Holy Spirit to grow and mature as a couple. They encourage couples with strong marriages to seek God’s assignment for them and then help them to walk as a strong one-flesh team into His plan.