Our Story

It all began with a miracle...
Mike and Marilyn’s marriage was such a disaster that every counselor they saw told them divorce was the only answer. Yet Jesus had a better plan!
The Lord healed their marriage and gave them a course we now call Married for Life. And, Although Marilyn passed away into the Lord’s presence on January 20, 2020. The ministry, which is in 90 countries around the world, continues to thrive and grow as more and more couples always come to receive the wonderful truths in the Bible, that the Lord birthed through them in the Married For Life Course.
The life-giving principles that He imparted to them in 1983 have never changed. They are as alive and powerful today as when that first group of seven couples met in a home and embarked on that first adventure with Him. We have seen millions of marriages transformed around the world.
Times Change
Marriages in today’s world face the same challenges as before, but life is increasingly more complicated by technology, social media, and the constant challenges of insufficient time. We are currently developing new ways to reach couples in today’s busy world.
The Married For Life video course has been released that transcends geography and increases accessibility to couples around the world. And subtitles are currently available in English and Chinese and soon in Spanish and other languages coming.
A 2=1 app is being developed to keep encouragement and learning at your fingertips. We’ve heard you and we’re changing to meet your needs.