Transformation in Homes

God established the marriage of a man and a woman as the basis for family.
Families are only as strong as the foundation upon which they are built.
The needs of today's family members are as varied as the families themselves, yet each one is touched in one way or another by the relationship of the husband and wife. Every person enters into marriage with his or her own family issues. Part of marriage and family ministry is helping couples heal the issues of their own hearts that stand between them as a couple. Then they can parent with God's blueprint, not a distorted pattern of their own making. Every one of our courses helps husband and wife face and overcome the issues of their hearts. In One for Life, engaged couples work through issues with parents and previous relationships. Married for Life focuses on relational issues between husband and wife. Parents for Life examines parental issues both forward with their own children and backward with their parents.
As marriages grow strong, families grow strong.
As families grow strong, a nation changes.
Mike and Marilyn Phillipps